Putting women's health First
Empowering women with the information, support and tools they need to have better conversations with healthcare professionals.
The Women's Health Gap
Around the world, women suffer from what is known as the Women's Health Gap. This includes delays in diagnosis, issues in treatment, misinformation, discrimination, and a severe lack of research and investment into women's health issues. Women often live with chronic health issues because they are disempowered to address them. Women have also reported that their health issues are often misunderstood or minimised by doctors who might not have a personal understanding of women’s issues, a term that has been coined as medical gaslighting.
Kensa Health has been set up by two women to directly address these issues. We are building an interactive women's health platform to provide women with qualified medical information in the form of helpful and useful content. The creation of online communities will also help women connect over shared issues and questions, providing them with support and empowering them to get the care they need.
We are also in the process of building a personal health profile app that will help women manage, monitor, and maintain their own health data, empowering them to get the medical help they need.
General Health
Did you know more women die from heart disease and strokes than breast cancer? Women are more than 3 times more likely than men to get rheumatoid arthritis. More than 75% of autoimmune disease cases (such as hyperthyroid, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis) occur in women . We know that women's health is more than periods, pregnancy and menopause, and we are here to help.
Sexual Health
From your first partner to sexual health concerns late in life. Do you want to know if the discharge you have noticed is normal? Do you have questions about family planning? Do you struggle with comfort during intercourse? Our team is here provide you with information so you feel informed and empowered.
Need some advice for all things "down there". Our team is here to help you with problems relating to the vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. From periods and menopause to irregular bleeding, hormonal imbalances, pelvic pain and urinary problems; women do not need to suffer in silence. We will help you to understand and improve the health of your gynaecological system.
Mental Health
Current, past and potential future women’s health issues can take their toll on your mental wellbeing. These problems can cause worry, anxiety, shame, low mood, disturbed sleep, panic attacks, nightmares, isolation and reduced self-esteem. No matter how big or small the problem, you do not have to manage this on your own.
and Maternity
Becoming a parent is one of the biggest changes women will go through. From that first positive pregnancy test result, your body and mind are already undergoing a huge transformation. We are here for all things relating to motherhood; fertility questions, pregnancy concerns, birth issues, baby loss, new baby worries, feeding problems, coping with the unexpected. We provide medically backed information to help with this often confusing and overwhelming time.